Canmore & Banff (Alberta) Lead Removal

Canmore & Banff (Alberta) Lead Removal

Lead is a toxic heavy metal that can cause serious health effects. Unfortunately, it’s also quite easy to come into contact with lead.  In the past, lead was commonly found in house paint and gasoline. Though manufacturers have removed lead from most products due to its dangerous nature, it can still be found in products like faucets, plumbing, pipes, children’s paint sets and art supplies, storage batteries, painted decorations and toys manufactured in regions with less stringent manufacturing laws than the U.S. and Canada.

Lead Abatement and Decontamination 

Lead poisoning can occur when lead paint flakes off and is accidentally inhaled, or from touching lead-contaminated surfaces like door sills, windows and even using older porcelain bathtubs.  Since lead poisoning can easily take place, it is wise to protect your family and employees by taking the proper steps to have it completely removed. 

Safe and proper lead abatement requires a skilled professional to ensure proper containment, removal and disposal. Contact us for cost-effective lead abatement in Canmore & Banff at 1-403-247-4365.

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Emergency Restoration Services In Canmore & Banff

Emergency Restoration Services In Canmore & Banff

24/7 Restoration is one of the top providers of thorough restoration services in the Canmore & Banff area. If your property has experienced damage caused by fire & smoke, flooding, sewage backups, mold & asbestos, or any other form of harm, we have the specialized staff and equipment to fix it right. If we don't restore your property right, we will work until we get it right; that is our guarantee.

Let's Start Your Restoration Together

You don't need to shoulder the burden of damage to your home or business alone. When you choose 24/7 Restoration, you can feel secure knowing that the most qualified, experienced team in Canmore & Banff (Alberta) is by your side every step of the way. Let's get started making it better than it was before, together.

If you want to learn more about what sets 24/7 apart from the competition, contact us at 1-403-247-4365 or fill in our online contact form below.

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